Omnibus Volume 1 Read online

Page 10

  Gryph’s health bar dipped by 25%, and he screamed in agony. A prompt popped into his vision.

  Debuff added. You are bleeding. 5pts damage per second.

  Both elf and monster howled in pain. The beast opened its mouth and bellowed. The bottom row of teeth still skewered Gryph’s wrist, trapping his arm. Time slowed. Gryph’s life was now measured in seconds.

  Gryph ordered the rope to coil tighter trying to pull the beast away from him, or at least making it harder for the beast to bite down again. The monster strained, fury and pain enhancing its strength.

  Time slowed as Gryph heard the rope snapping. Rotten gobbets of flesh sprayed from the creature's teeth. Blood poured down Gryph's arm. A large tooth stuck through his wrist. Then he saw the sapphire glint from the ring on his finger.

  Despite the agony of impending death, Gryph smiled. “Sayonara, fucker.”


  Gryph sent a mental command to the Ring of Minor Air Shield and in a fraction of a second a sphere of solid air exploded from the ring. It expanded and took the beast’s head with it. Gryph thought he saw a look of stunned incomprehension cross the beast's face, but then the beast had no head and so, no face.

  To Gryph’s irritation, the shimmering sphere of air blinked out. The force of the beast’s skull losing to the sphere of solid air had used up the shield’s health points. Gore, blood, brains and far too much mucus cascaded onto Gryph, followed by the beast’s body. The weight hit him, causing ribs to crack and lungs to expel air. He lost another 10% of his health and it continued to dip.

  Gryph sensed the prompt in the corner of his vision and ignored it. Yeah, debuffs Added, I know. He’d defeated the beast, but its leaking, fetid corpse was crushing the life out of him.

  He was suffocating as his hit points ticked downwards, approaching zero. He heaved and lifted a small edge of the beast’s corpse. Just enough for him to wriggle to freedom.

  He inhaled to satiate his burning lungs, but also inhaled the rancid slop that covered him. The taste and smell made him gag, and he coughed, rolled onto his side and vomited.

  I am alive, he rejoiced before his thoughts once again dwelled on the idea that people entered this hellish place for fun. He pushed the thoughts and leaned against the stalk of a mushroom and downed a health potion. Warmth pulsed into him as his health filled. Closing his eyes, he inhaled. In the corner of his vision, his prompt indicator blinked.

  You have earned 15,600 XP for slaying a Baalgrath

  You have reached Level 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  You have 24 (20 Base + 4 Godhead Bonus) unused Attribute Points.

  You have 5 unused Perk Points.

  You have reached Level 2 in Air Magic

  You have reached Level 3 in Analyze

  That was a lot of prompts, Gryph would have smiled, except being covered in stinking gore was a mood killer. He now knew the disgusting beast was a baalgrath. He wasn't sure if it was because his Analyze skill had leveled or if it was a prompt given because he had slain the beast. Apparently killing a high-level creature enabled a basic identification. Convenient, if odd.

  He stood and kicked the headless corpse several times. He knew it was stupid, but it felt amazing. After a few moments his rage calmed, and he laughed. He stared at the beast and used Analyze.

  Baalgrath: Level 21 - H:320/S:520/M:0/SP:0

  Baalgrath are not natural beasts. They are the product of ancient magical experimentation, which combined the ancient wyrmynn race of lizard people with mountain trolls. Baalgrath are not the most intelligent or cunning creatures but are tough and difficult to kill. Their extensive regeneration abilities allow them to heal nearly any wound in time. Baalgrath are omnivores, but they rather enjoy feasting on the smaller sentient races that live on the surface. Solitary creatures in the wild, their wyrmynn cousins often keep baalgrath as pets.

  Strengths: Unknown. Immunities: Unknown. Weakness: Unknown.

  Gryph noticed the metal collar around the thick, headless neck. The collar had a thick ring attached scored with metal on metal abrasions.

  “This thing was a pet?” His eyes went to the tunnel heading further into the Barrow. “Shit.” What lay down that tunnel? Wyrmynn? Whatever the heck those were? Gryph sighed in resignation knowing it was his only option.

  He retrieved his throwing knives and the tip of his broken spear from the corpse. Maybe it could be repaired. He suspected that magic items were not common in the Realms. He wiped the blood from the knives when he got a prompt.

  You have harvested Baalgrath Blood.

  This rare and valuable ingredient has many uses in both Alchemy and Crafting. You suspect it could make a Potion of Health Regeneration and other unidentified effects.

  You also get the sense it could craft an item that increases health regeneration and other unidentified effects.

  You have learned the skill HARVEST: Level 1.

  The Realms are full of amazing ingredients that alchemists, Crafters and Artificers can use to create wondrous potions, healing salves and deadly poisons.

  The Harvest skill allows you to identify and harvest these ingredients. 50% chance to harvest ingredients. Every ingredient has four or more effects.

  At the Base Tier you are able to identify the Base Effect.

  “Sweet,” Gryph exclaimed as he pulled his Alchemy Kit from his inventory. It was a leather box the size of a briefcase. It contained a variety of alchemical equipment and a hundred small vials he guessed were for collecting and storing ingredients.

  He pulled a pump used to extract liquids and attached an empty vial to the end. He spent the next ten minutes siphoning the thick green black blood from the baalgrath’s corpse. His 50% chance to harvest was annoying as he failed half the time. He had collected a nice haul. He even leveled Harvest which increased his success rate by 2%.

  You have reached Level 2 in Harvest.

  Gryph considered trying to make a few potions with the kit. Then reconsidered. He didn't know what ingredients combined well with others. Surviving the huge beast only to drink a poison cocktail of one's own making was not a dignified way to go.

  He stuffed the kit back into his inventory, again amazed by the weight and space reducing powers of his satchel. On Earth it would be the greatest invention of all time, but here in the Realms they gave it to every Tom, Dick and Sally. It was time for some looting. If he were to survive facing the wyrmynn he needed better weapons.

  He pulled a torn and tattered cape from an ancient skeleton of some knight errant that had faced the baalgrath and lost. Like everything in the cave, it glittered with a fine layer of mushroom spores. Gryph wiped most of the gore and goo from him, but he now sparkled like a woo party girl on a whoop it up night.

  He spent the next half an hour gathering everything of use he could find in the cavern.

  You have found 24 gold coins, 34 silver and 10 bronze coins.

  You have found 3Minor Potion of Healing.

  You have found 2 Minor Potion of Stamina.

  You have found Minor Potion of Mana.

  You have been awarded a Fine Steel Spear (Spear)

  Item Class: Non-magical - Item Category: N/A.

  Base Dmg: 10.

  A finely crafted steel spear.

  You have found Padded Leather Helm (Light Armor)

  Item Class: Non-magical - Item Category: NA.

  AC Bonus: +5.

  A standard padded leather helmet provides decent protection from attack.

  The loot thrilled him, but there was one final task. A task he was dreading. He walked up to the armless corpse of the small man.

  Gnome Corpse. Gnomes are small humanoids whose love for mischief, song and tinkering is famous, or infamous. Gregarious and jovial, gnomes are natural wanderers. They are fond of adventure and will take up difficult and dangerous tasks if they believe the rewards will benefit them or their clan.

  The description of the small gnome tugged at Gryph’s heart. Nobody deserved the fate this little guy had suffered. After a
moment’s hesitation, Gryph searched the body, hoping to find something that told him the gnome's identity. He found a sack of coins, a beautifully crafted dagger, a diamond ring on a chain, and a small book.

  You have found 56 Gold Coins, 65 silver coins and 12 bronze coins

  You have found an Ordonian Ice Dagger (Short Blade) (Air/Water Magic)

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Active.

  Base Dmg: 7 (+2 Base Item Bonus).

  Active Powers.

  Power (1): Cold Strike. 1 point of damage per point of mana spent.

  Power (2): 10% chance to freeze an opponent for 10 seconds, paralyzing them.

  Mana Limit: 5% - Cool Down: 5 minutes.

  This dagger was forged using a piece of enchanted ice from the northernmost reaches of Korynn. It is a traditional weapon of Ordonian chieftains and is on rare occasions given to outsiders who have performed a great service to the tribe.

  You have found Gnomish Ring of Promise (Life Magic)

  Item Class: Base - Item Category: Passive.

  Passive Powers.

  Power (1): +2 to Charisma.

  Power (2): +50 to Health.

  This ring is one half of a pair given to two Gnome lovers who have committed to spend their lives together. As long as the commitment is honored, the powers stay active. If one lover dies, the other ring is reduced to half power. If the fallen lover’s ring is returned, the surviving lover will get the power of both rings.

  You have found Jebbis’s Journal.

  A basic leather journal used by the people of the Realms to record the events of their lives.

  Gryph took a deep breath and opened the pages of the journal.

  Dearest Rehla,

  It has been barely a week since we parted ways, but the caravan has already reached the mountains. We will traverse Long Pass and then we will be in the desert. I miss you dearly, but I will not lie and say that seeing the endless sands and the ancient pyramids of the Aegyptians has me more excited than I have been since the day you agreed to bear my ring. Laughter and jokes fill the air around the caravan as you would expect of any that filled with so many gnomes. Even Thaaardik the mountain dwarf and Zelyanna that stuck up wood elf have been surprisingly agreeable. I must go now my love. Tifala is insisting I teach cousin Wick how to dance. I understand why you dislike him but trust me he is family and a misunderstood soul.

  My Heart is Your Heart,


  Gryph read several other entries, each increasing the tear in his heart. This gnome, this Jebbis was a beloved husband who had left his love to build a better life for them both, but here, in the depths of this accursed Barrow, he had lost his life. Gryph flipped to the last entry and forced himself to read.

  Dearest Rehla,

  I have little time. It has been nearly a month since we became trapped in this evil place. Wick discovered this foul dungeon in an old tome. He insisted it was a place rife with treasures, but all we have found is evil and death. It is no normal dungeon my love. This Barrow is alive. It sounds insane, but the walls and the tunnels, sometimes they move and shift during the night. And the beasts. It's their eyes, Rehla. Foul and primal, but sometimes they look upon us with a keen and nefarious intelligence. I've become separated from the rest of the group and I suspect that soon I will be dead. My greatest regret is that you will feel the moment I am gone. You will feel it and I fear it will destroy you. I am sorry, my love. This will be my last entry.

  I Love You,


  Gryph held back a tear, and then saw a message meant for him, scrawled inside the back cover in a ragged and rushed hand.

  To Whoever Shall Find This Journal and This Ring,

  I implore you to find my kin, my cousin Wick and bring my journal and my ring to him. He will get them back to my love if he is able. I do not know who you are or if you even exist, but I have faith in the goodness of the gods and hope you can help this small part of me find my way home. If Wick is also dead, please consider making the journey to Erram, my village, where you will find my beautiful Rehla.

  Thank You,


  You have been offered the Quest Soothe a Broken Heart.

  Two lovers have been torn apart by death and uncertainty. Deliver this ring and this journal to the gnome known as Wick. Or if Wick is also dead, bring it to the gnome woman Rehla in the village of Erram.

  Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult - Reward: Unknown - XP: 5,000 - 10,000.

  Without a word, Gryph accepted the quest. He placed the ring and the journal into his inventory. Then he buried Jebbis.

  “I hate this fucking universe,” Gryph muttered.


  Gryph returned to the pile of loot he had collected right before the baalgrath attack and equipped all the armor. His AC leapt up to 38. He even felt a bit more solid. He also had Attribute Points to spend.

  The points he put into Intelligence had already paid off, but the baalgrath had only landed a few hits and nearly killed him. Perhaps it was time to increase his physical prowess.

  He put eight points into Constitution and eight more in Dexterity and was rewarded with leaps in health, stamina, AC bonus and speed. He decided to put three more into Strength, both for the extra damage capabilities and the increase in stamina Who knew when he’d find a place to offload his loot.

  He thought about dumping the last five points into Intelligence but decided to keep them in reserve instead. His magical capabilities were still limited, and the Army trained to always keep something in reserve for unexpected situations.

  Gryph - Level 5

  High Elf (El’Edryn)

  Deity: None

  Experience: 15,775

  Next Level: 7,225


  Health: 154

  Stamina: 156

  Mana: 145

  Spirit: 126


  Strength: 23

  Constitution: 25

  Dexterity: 28 (25 +3 Bonus)

  Intelligence: 16

  Wisdom: 10


  Health Regeneration: +25%

  Mana Regeneration: +25%

  Night Vision: 120 Ft.

  Master of Tongues

  Gryph smiled. He was progressing nicely for a dude who had no damn clue what he was doing. He hated to admit it, even in the privacy of his own head, but he missed Lex. The banner AI turned grumpy NPC priest may have been obnoxious, but he knew his stuff.

  Now it was on to his Perk Points.

  It appeared that each skill had six tiers, and they each required a specific level in the requisite skill before that tier becomes available. Each tier opened up better perks.

  Base: Level 1

  Apprentice: Level 20

  Journeyman: Level 50

  Master: Level 75

  Grandmaster: Level 100

  Divine: Level 101+

  Based on his current skill set he liked the idea of focusing on spears. He opened the Staves/Spears Perk Tree to see what kind of goodies it offered. There were three branches. He focused on each in turn.

  Impale: An aggressive attack that can be initiated upon a successful attack. Impale does 2X damage with a spear. Impaled opponents cannot move or counterattack for 5 seconds.

  Stun: An aggressive attack with a staff that can be initiated upon a successful attack. Stun does 1.5X damage and prevents an opponent from moving or counterattacking for 10 seconds.

  Quick Strike: An aggressive attack with a staff or spear that can be initiated upon a successful attack. Quick Strike has a chance to land a second attack for the same amount of damage as the first.

  Parry: Staves and spears provide good defense. When an attacker lands a blow, Parry can be initiated. If successful, Parry blocks the attack resulting in no damage.

  The stamina cost to use the perks was high, but their intelligent application could be the difference between life and death. He also noted that there were six distinct tiers to each perk tree and that anything above h
is current Tier was unavailable. He guessed that he’d need to get to the appropriate level in each skill to hit the next tier, but when he did, oh boy, would it be worth it.

  All the branches sounded amazing but Impale and Parry were the ones that truly caught Gryph’s eye. He dumped one Perk Point into each and admired the increased potency they brought to the skill.

  Staves/Spears Perk Tree




  Quick Strike






























