Killing Time Page 10
You have reached Level 75 in Analyze.
You have reached Level 16 & 17.
You have 10 unused Attribute Points.
You have 7 unused Perk Point. (2 New and 5 Previously Earned)
You have reached Master Tier in Analyze.
You can now see the Strengths, Immunities and Weaknesses of anyone successfully Analyzed.
At Master Tier the Stamina requirement for Analyze is reduced to 5 points.
You have also opened the secret Master Tier Perk Branch Prediction.
I jumped up and down and danced in the streets, reaffirming several townsfolk’s belief that I’d make an excellent village idiot. I didn’t care, I’d leveled enough to ensure that my original plan was doable, but there was a new wrinkle. Reaching Master Tier had opened up a secret Perk Branch called Prediction, and boy was that branch appealing.
Those who invest in the Prediction branch of the Analyze Perk Tree can gain such incredible insight into an opponent that they can predict their actions. All Prediction Perks require that the user be of an equal or higher Tier than the opponent or creature to be effective.
Avoidance enables the user to predict an attack by an enemy and therefore avoid the attack. It feels like a sudden ability to sense danger coupled with a short burst of credible information about what to do to avoid the attack.
Foresight enables the user to not only predict and avoid an attack but also know what action to take next.
NOTE: All Secret Perk Tree Perks require 2x Perk Points to acquire.
NORE: All Secret Perk Tree Perks require 50 Stamina to activate.
“Damn,” I said, channeling my inner Chris Tucker in Friday. The Prediction Perks were incredible. As I read about Avoidance, I grinned. This had to be the trick the Agent had been using since we first met, oh so many loops ago. I dumped 2 Perk Points into Avoidance so quickly I’m surprised I didn’t pull something. “I got you now, bitch.”
Analyze Perk Tree
Detect Falsehood
Block Analyze
Skill Resistance 1
Know Desires
False Report 1
Skill Resistance 2
Know Falsehoods
False Report 2
Spell Osmosis
Know Skills
False Report 3
Skill Osmosis
Know Perks
False Report 4
Perk Osmosis
Analyze Hidden Perk Tree
Prediction (2x Points
I dumped more points into Know Skills, False Report 3 and Skill Osmosis. I was becoming a complete, if non-traditional, badass. I thought back to my conversation with Vonn about the difficulty of leveling Analyze and wondered just how few people in the Realms could do the things I could now do? Maybe this hell loop wasn’t so bad after all.
This hyper specialization, this niching down into one skill with all my focus had grown out of necessity, but I now imagined the possibilities it granted me. I could likely defeat opponents of much higher levels with these Perks. Through information, and perhaps more importantly disinformation, I could pick and choose my battles, when to fight them and when to end them.
The one downside of Avoidance was the staggering Stamina cost. I dumped all 10 Attribute Points into Constitution.
Lex - Level 17
Deity: Cerrunos
Experience: 1,552,400
Next Level: 247,600
Health: 192
Stamina: 206
Mana: 234
Spirit: 183
Strength: 23
Constitution: 39
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 61
Wisdom: 16
Attribute Points: 0
Perk Points: 2
Player Tracking (Gryph)
Ordonian Bloodlust
Strengths: Analyze Master.
Immunities: +25% to Order Magic.
Weaknesses: -25% to Chaos Magic
I only had 2 Perk Points left. My Order Magic skill was my next most powerful, but I knew that I needed to reach Journeyman level before my spells would affect the Agent. I looked at all my skills and decided my best option would be Blunt Weapons. I’d have to hope that the Avoidance Perk would allow me to be shifty enough to use my war hammer effectively. If I was right, I might finally defeat the Agent.
Crushing Blow:
When activated, Crushing Blow has a 20% chance per Tier to land a crushing blow. Crushing Blow does not add to damage, but it will deliver a series of debuffs and can be combined with other Blunt Weapon Perks. At Grandmaster Level it becomes Paralyzing Blow, which provides all the effects of Crushing Blow 4 + a 50% chance to paralyze an enemy for 2 minutes.
Effects: Successfully landing Crushing Blow causes the opponent to receive the following debuffs: -5 to Intelligence, Dexterity and Wisdom per Tier for 30 seconds. -10% chance to hit per Tier for 20 seconds. Victim cannot activate any Perks for 10 seconds per Tier.
Speedy Blow:
When activated, Speedy Blow has a 20% chance per Tier to beat an opponent’s attack. This not only negates the attack but also catches the opponent off guard, resulting in a 50% penalty to their next attack. Opponents can deduct their Dexterity Attribute from the percentage chance of success.
Damage Bonus: Bonus to damage.
I put a point into Crushing Blow and another into Damage Bonus. Speedy Blow sounded great too, but the Agent had a far higher Dexterity than me so it had limited usefulness, for now.
Blunt Weapons Perk Tree
Crushing Blow
Speedy Blow
Dmg Bonus
Crushing Blow 1
Speedy Blow 1
Crushing Blow 2
Speedy Blow 2
Crushing Blow 3
Speedy Blow 3
Crushing Blow 4
Speedy Blow 4
Paralyzing Blow
I used the last few free minutes before the Agent found me to create my False Reports. I couldn’t be sure they’d be effective upon her. For all I know she had the same Perks as I did. But, every bit helped.
I was now Lex, a Level 8 Ordonian Warrior Priest and my Blunt Weapons Perk Tree made my war hammer a potent weapon. I considered drifting further from the truth, but my robes and war hammer would be a dead giveaway as to my true nature. It would be better if she underestimated me.
I gave this Lex an Immunity to Thought Magic, in case I was wrong about the Agent’s skill set and she really was reading my mind. She’d probably see through it quick enough, but maybe, just maybe it would buy me some time.
I spent some time thinking on my Weakness. What false weakness could I present that would give the real me a tactical advantage?
As the Agent and her thralls walked up to me, an idea popped into my head, and I grinned. I walked with her to the edge of town, knowing that the next time we played this little game, the results would be different.
I was back, and I had a lot to do in a short amount of time. The idea for my plan had always been there lurking in the recesses of my mind, but it had taken a shift of mindset for me to see the path forward.
The Agent was a Bi
g Boss, and I had to treat her as such. That meant allies. I’d spent a lot of time with the folks in the Shining Unicorn Inn and I was pretty sure I knew what buttons to push to get them to play along.
Arno, the fire mage was an easy one. I agreed to burn the world with him and he was game for pretty much anything. Gaarm and his buddies all had bounties on them, so all I had to do was suggest that the Agent had come for them.
Percinius, the chubby priest was also pretty easy. I’d agree to convert to his religion if he continually cast buffs on me. And to help him over the hump I told him the Agent worshipped chthonic demons. That dude had a hard-on of hate for all things demonic.
Grimslee and Seraphine presented a bit of a pickle. I wasn’t sure I could get either one on my side. Seraphine was deadly, especially with that hellacious poison, but I wasn’t sure how I could recruit her. If I timed it right, I might call in Master Grimslee’s favor, but that meant risking getting the Secure Scroll from Seraphine.
In the end I went all out since I literally had all the time in the world. If I didn’t get it right, the first time I’d do better the next time. I chatted up Arno and the Priest, my lies getting them on Team Lex. I greased up Gaarm’s suspicions by casually mentioning there was a bounty hunter in town. “Apparently she’s searching for some dude who had his way with a Duke’s cattle.” Gaarm said nothing, but his eyes widened in panic. I’m pretty sure he was primed and ready and would go where I pointed him.
I used Pickpocket on Seraphine and gave the Secure Scroll to Master Grimslee, making him promise to hear me out. His eyes widened and snapped to his barmaid, but he kept his word and listened to my offer. I’d take his favor now, and later, he and I would take down Seraphine together. I could see his anger burning inside him, but nobody became a power player in a mob syndicate by being stupid. He turned his anger inward and agreed to my plan.
I looked to Vonn’s empty seat and wished my buddy was still here. That’s when a thought hit me. Had I made Vonn up? I had gone a bit looney tunes there for a bit. Endless mass murder can do that to you. A chill moved through my body at the thought. What if I’d gone all Shutter Island? What if all these adventures, this entire tale, was a figment of my crazed imagination?
I looked around the room, and the icy feeling settled into my gut, chilling me to the core. All the actors were playing their roles. Seraphine even smiled at me, tracing her hand along my arm and pausing. “You okay hon’?” she asked.
I looked into her eyes, knowing that sweet, warm exterior was a facade, a veneer of bullshit. I smiled. “You ever feel you’re just an actor in a very badly written play?” I asked her.
“Every morning when I wake up,” she said with a grin. “But, what can you do? You either play the role you’re given, or you get kicked out of the show.”
She was right. I had no way of knowing if this was real or not, so I just had to stay true to me. I have to protect Gryph. “Oh shut up, you effing dickhead subconscious,” I mumbled and looked up at Seraphine.
“I’ve got a contract for you.” Her eyes widened in surprise, and her hand went to the dagger I knew she had hidden in her apron. “2,000 gold if you kill the small elf woman about to walk through the door.”
“I don’t know what you’re…” she said.
“Daffodil,” I said. Seraphine pushed herself up to me. All eyes in the inn would think the flirtatious look on her face was genuine, if misguided, but I felt the tip of her dagger near my heart.
“Why shouldn’t I kill you now?”
“I can think of two reasons. One, Grimslee knows about you and plans to kill you after this is through. Help me kill the woman about to walk through that door and I’ll help you kill Grimslee. Second, you like money, and I know where he hides his stash. You can have it all.”
Her thoughts spun behind those cold, grey eyes. Then I felt the dagger point ease its pressure. Her warm smile returned and her eyes grew warm and flirty once more. Damn, she’s good.
“You got a deal hun,” she said.
I leaned in close. “One more thing, use the Bane of Life on the Agent. That stuff is horrid.” Shock filled her eyes as she tried to understand how I knew what I knew. But then she smiled, and I suspected the moment she had her money, she’d kill me too.
It was time, and I set my gaze upon the door and waited. My heart thundered in my chest and I pulled Mana into my hands, ready to cast Order Bolt. I looked to Arno, the Priest, Seraphine and Master Grimslee. Everything was ready.
The door opened, and the Agent walked in. She scanned the room and soon found me. She smiled a warm smile that almost seemed genuine. Her thrall stepped in behind her and I fired Order Bolts from both hands. She didn’t move, knowing full well that my attack could not hurt her. What she couldn’t know was that I knew that as well. The shards of white energy zipped towards her and then flashed around her, taking her thrall in the face.
A scowl crossed the Agent’s face when she realized that I was not aiming at her. I felt a tickle flow over me and knew that she was using Analyze on me. I fed her my False Report and watched as a smile grew across her face. She’s taken the bait.
A warm glow surrounded me.
Buff Added: Percinius, the Priest of Ferrancia has cast Wellbeing on you.
+25% to Stamina Regeneration. +25% to Health Regeneration.
Master Grimslee’s crossbow twanged, and the Agent activated Avoidance stepping aside, a second before the bolt would have hit her in the neck. This time I could see a faint blur the instant before she moved, and I also knew which direction she would move. I wondered if that was because my Analyze skill was so high, or because I possessed the Avoidance Perk.
“Gaarm, Bounty hunter!” I yelled. Gaarm’s eyes shot to me and then to where I pointed. He stood and growled, drawing his dagger and rushing the Agent. His fellow thugs followed suit. In moments they surrounded the Agent.
Arno unleashed two torrents of Flames from his palms, his face a grim visage of crimson insanity. The jets of fire impacted the roof of the inn, directly above the Agent’s head and quickly ate away at the support beams. It had taken some convincing to get Arno to agree to not attack the Agent directly. I knew she was immune to the magical damage the spell caused, but I suspected that protection did not extend to being crushed by flaming wreckage.
I fired several more volleys of Order Bolt at the thrall. He’d collapsed to one knee but was already getting back to his feet. The barrages of energy punched into his face over and over and he stumbled back through the door and landed in the street. A prompt told me he was no longer of this world.
You have earned 1,523 XP for slaying the Agent’s Thrall.
The Agent drew her swords and in a green blur of motion, several things happened in quick succession. She cleaved Arno’s head from his body, stopping the flames. Gaarm attacked, but the Agent activated Avoidance again and she stepped aside. Her other blade sliced through Gaarm’s arm. He fell screaming and his goons quickly followed in a whirlwind of motion that removed arms, severed legs, and punctured throats and split skulls.
I had no idea what kind of swords she wielded, but daddy wanted. I made a mental note to grab those as well. All the while I could see the Agent using Avoidance. Her Stamina was being drained like a bucket with a hole in it, dear Liza.
So far, so good.
A few minutes later she’d taken care of Gaarm’s thugs and she stared at me with that same crazed look I first saw in the alley when this shit day first started. It seemed so long ago.
The cracking of burning wood drew my attention back and the ceiling above the Agent collapsed. She activated Avoidance again and ran forward as the flaming wreckage hit the ground behind her.
I could see the sheen of sweat on her skin and she was breathing in great ragged gasps. She was still standing, but her Stamina was bottoming out. This was my chance. I gripped my hammer with both hands and ran towards her. She came at me, no fear in her eyes. Good, I hope.
I took a moment to activate my Racial
Gift, Ordonian Bloodlust. I felt a boiling rage churn through me and I felt vibrant and alive and powerful, and dumber.
She pumped green energy into her boots and leapt over the table. I swung my hammer in a wide arc. There was no way I could miss. But guess what, I did. She activated Avoidance again and with the slightest of toe taps on the table’s surface she flipped up and over me.
My swing took me off balance and I stumbled forward. She lashed out with one of her swords and I felt the razor-sharp blade slice through the Achilles tendon of my left leg. I fell to the ground, barely keeping my hands on my hammer. I hobbled back to my feet, and the Agent danced out of the range of another clumsy swing. This time she didn’t use Avoidance. She didn’t need to.
I stood and felt the warm glow of the Priest’s healing spell knit my tendon and muscle and the pain eased. Thank you Percinius. I stood and pressed my attack, swinging my hammer. She used Avoidance again and side stepped my blow. She spun and brought her sword low for another attack against my legs, but this time I used Avoidance.
The look in her eyes as I sidestepped her attack was like a gift from the gods. I brought the shaft of my hammer up and into her face, earning a wondrous crack from her nose. She stumbled back, the shock stunning her mind clear on her face.