Killing Time Page 6
I felt a bit bad for killing Seraphine so many times, but since she was reborn anyway I quickly got over the feeling. I took a while to notice just how much XP killing her gave me. Earning that many XP for killing a simple barmaid made no sense. There was more to sweet Seraphine than met the eye. I made a promise to myself that I would uncover her secrets as soon as I was able.
My Q & A sessions with Rubik became increasingly frustrating. Once I asked if it knew how I could defeat the Agent and it thought YES. But, knowing how and being able to tell me how with just a YES or NO answer was another matter. When I asked it directly if it could tell me how to defeat her it said NO. The cubic idiot knew how I could win but could not tell me how.
I wasn’t getting anywhere fast, and that made me angry.
So I took it out on Gaarm. Killing him didn’t help me escape the Agent, but I really hated that guy. So, I killed him a bunch and got some good experience.
You have earned 9,920 XP for slaying Gaarm (x5)
And, I gained a new skill after evading Gaarm’s clumsy dagger attack.
You have learned the skill DODGE
Level: 1 - Tier: Base - Skill Type: Active.
You have showed proficiency in Dodge. Dodge allows the user to avoid an attack, thus incurring no damage. Chance to Dodge is a percentage chance based on the user’s Dexterity +1% per level in Dodge - the opponent’s level in the skill used to attack. Heavy armor wearers suffer a penalty to Dodge.
Just for shits and giggles I even tried to shoot the shifty rogue who was a big fan of smoking and looking mysterious. Every time he evaded my attack. His skill differed from the Agent’s ability. He was looking right at me, so I gathered he had a very high Dodge skill. She moved aside without knowing I was there. Her Spidey Sense was way cooler than my Dodge skill.
You have reached Level 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
You have 25 unused Attribute Points.
You have 8 unused Perk Point. (5 New and 3 Previously Earned)
You have reached Level 10 in Order Magic.
You have reached Level 8 in Archery.
You have reached Level 8 in Blunt Weapons.
You have reached Level 4 in Stealth.
You have reached Level 1 in Dodge.
You have reached Level 6 in Light Armor.
You have reached Level 15 in Analyze.
Casting Commune and Order Blast was upping my Order Magic skill slowly, but steadily. I’d never planned to use my Archery skill, but its constant leveling made me wonder if I should rethink that. After all, who didn’t love playing the sneaky archer?
Apparently, my constant people watching had seriously upped my Analyze skill. It gave me an idea. I needed more information if I was ever to extract myself from this hellacious time loop. It was time to spend some Perk Points. I opened my Analyze Perk Tree.
Analyze Perk Tree
Detect Falsehood
Block Analyze
Skill Resistance 1
Know Desires
False Report 1
Skill Resistance 2
Know Falsehoods
False Report 2
Spell Osmosis
Know Skills
False Report 3
Skill Osmosis
Know Perks
False Report 4
Perk Osmosis
Those who invest in the Understanding branch of the Analyze Perk Tree can glean important information from an opponent. All Understanding Perks require that the user's Analyze skill be of a higher level than the opponent or creature to be effective.
The Detect Falsehoods perk enables the user to detect whether an Analyzed person or creature is lying, hiding a truth or being evasive. The nature of the lie will remain a mystery.
The Know Desires perk enables the user to know what an Analyzed person or creature wants. Every person and creature craves understanding.
The Know Falsehoods perk enables the user to not only Detect Falsehoods, but to know what the lie concerns. This can uncover deep, dark secrets.
The Know Skills perk enables a user to see what skills a person or creature possesses. It also enables the user to know what level the person or creature possesses in that skill up to the level of the user’s Analyze skill.
The Know Perks perk enables a user to see what perks a person or creature possesses.
Those who invest in the Defense branch of the Analyze Perk Tree can defend their own information from an opponent. All Defense Perks require that the user's Analyze skill be of a higher level than the opponent or creature to be effective.
The Block Analyze perk enables a user to block a person or opponent’s own Analyze skill. If the user of this perk is of a higher level than the opponent, then the opponent’s Analyze attempt will fail.
The False Report 1 perk enables the user to present a false Strength when Analyzed.
The False Report 2 perk enables the user to present a false Immunity when Analyzed. Users are also immune to others use of False Report 1.
The False Report 3 perk enables the user to present a false Weakness when Analyzed. Users are also immune to others use of False Report 2.
The False Report 4 perk enables the user to present a false set of Skills (and their levels) and a false set of Perks when Analyzed. Users are also immune to other’s use of False Report 3.
Note: False Reports must be set up in advance and can be changed at will.
Those who invest in the Learn branch of the Analyze Perk Tree can learn how to defend themselves from the Skills and Perks of an opponent. At higher tiers the user can learn Skills and Perks from an opponent. All Learn Perks require that the user's Analyze skill be of a higher level than the opponent or creature to be effective.
The Skill Resistance 1 perk enables the user to reduce the effectiveness of any one skill used by an opponent by 25% for the duration of the encounter. After the encounter is over the ‘immunity’ disappears.
The Skill Resistance 2 perk enables the user to reduce the effectiveness of any one skill used by an opponent by 50% for the duration of the encounter. After the encounter is over the ‘immunity’ disappears.
The Spell Osmosis perk enables the user to Analyze and learn a spell that is cast by a person or creature. To learn the spell, the user must have an Affinity for that sphere. Requires that the user already possess the requisite magic skill. The user can only absorb the knowledge of the spell if they already have gained that Tier in the magic skill. This perk can only be used once per week. Success of Spell Osmosis is determined as (Intelligence/2 + Analyze Level /2) - (Opponent’s Intelligence/3 + Opponent’s Analyze/3).
The Skill Osmosis perk enables a user to Analyze and learn a skill that is being actively used by a person or creature. The learned skill will always be Level 1 regardless of the level possessed by the Analyzed person or creature. This perk can only be used once per week. The user must have a higher Analyze skill than the opponents own Analyze skill and the user’s Analyze skill level must also be of a higher level than the opponent’s level in the skill being learned. (Requires Know Skills Perk). Success of Skill Osmosis is determined as (Intelligence/3 + Analyze Level /3) - (Opponent’s Intelligence/4 + Opponent’s Analyze/4).
The Perk Osmosis perk enables a user to Analyze and learn a perk that is being actively used by a person or creature. The user will also learn the associated skill if they do not already possess that skill. The learned perk must be of a tier capable of being learned by the user. The user must have a higher Analyze skill than the opponents own Analyze skill and the user’s Analyze skill level must also be of a higher level than the opponent’s level in the skill being learned. This perk can only be used once per month. (Requires Know Perks Perk). Success of Perk Osmosis is determined as
(Intelligence/4 + Analyze Level /4) - (Opponent’s Intelligence/5 + Opponent’s Analyze/5).
For example: A user may learn the Fire Magic perk Item Power 50% if, and only if, they have reached the Apprentice Tier in Fire Magic. If they have not, then they will learn the perk in the same tree of the appropriate tier.
“Sweet,” I said. The Analyze perks would be my ticket out.
“Should I assume that means you wish to go all in sir?” the dealer asked.
I motioned with a dismissive hand that I was folding. “I don’t have time for your pompous attitude Jeeves,” I said. “I got me some spending to do.”
My eyes lingered on the Learn branch. Without hesitation I put a point into Skill Resistance 1. The perk may not help me overcome the Agent on its lonesome, but I sure wouldn't sneeze at the idea of reducing the effectiveness of one of the Agent’s skills by 25%. What I was really after were the higher Tier Perks.
I was currently level 15 in Analyze, which meant I had a way to go before I could purchase the truly great perks like Osmosis. But, if I had one thing on my side it was time. I reread the descriptions several times as my plan solidified. I dumped another point into both Detect Falsehoods and Block Analyze. I had no idea if they’d be effective against the Agent, but every bit helped, right?
I was so engrossed in my task that I did not see the Agent enter until she tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped a bit and looked up. This time, when the Agent took me, I smiled at her.
During our nice walk to the bridge I dumped 25 Attribute Points into Intelligence. It was a bold move putting all those points in one basket, but if I would ever get out of this damned time loop, it would be due to brains not brawn, and Analyze thrived on Intelligence. Plus, if the plan brewing in my brain worked, I’d soon refill that well.
I was back where it all started. I folded, gave Seraphine a much larger tip than normal and swigged my mug of mead down in one gulp. A satisfied burp erupted from my innards, then I stood and raised my war hammer over my head. I had a plan.
“Time to grind.”
I poured Spirit into the war hammer and brought it down with terrific force onto Gaarm’s head. The idiotic look on his face as he realized what was about to happen was a gift I would have paid to see with several lives. In fact, I had done exactly that. The hammer crushed his skull amidst a flash of golden light. Brains and bits of skull exploded in a wide circle and an odd silence settled for the briefest of moments.
Then the screaming started, I swung my hammer down onto the dealer’s head. Now, technically that wasn’t the nicest thing to do, but he was an intensely irritating human.
You have earned 1,984 XP for slaying Gaarm.
You have earned 462 XP for slaying the Dealer
I got in a few more blows before Grimslee’s crossbow bolt took me in the neck.
I did a bunch more grinding, both of my Order Magic and my Blunt Weapons skill. Using my Ordonian Bloodlust gift helped me get a bit further down my list of “People to Kill.” Each time I ended up dead, either from Grimslee’s crossbow or Gaarm’s buddies overwhelming numbers, or if I was a bit tired and didn’t feel like grinding, the good old-fashioned drown in the river method.
Once, after Rubik gave a particularly irritating non-answer, I even tried to send the quadrata into the next life, assuming it had one. That didn’t go so well. My hammer bounced off it and then it fired some kinda Order Magic death beam from its eye and burned me to a crisp. I even got a prompt about that.
Attention: Attacking servants of the Lords of Order in the Realm of Order is unwise. On their home plane their powers are multiplied by a factor of 10 while yours are reduced by a factor of 10.
“Good to know.” The cool thing was, the next time I had a chat with Rubik it didn’t seem to remember my previous faux pa. It even gave a satisfactory NO when I asked it if it was angry with me. Rubik was a nice cube.
I decided that it was time for a well-deserved vacation. Wanton murder was hard work, and I needed to relax and do some shopping. I opened my prompts.
You have earned 79,360 XP for slaying Gaarm (x40)
You have earned 9,240 XP for slaying the Dealer (x20)
You have earned 18,975 XP for slaying Mustachio (x15)
You have earned 17,265 XP for slaying Aegyptian Goon (x15)
You have earned 91,610 XP for slaying Gaarm’s Goon(s) (x80)
You have earned 29,352 XP for slaying a Fire Mage (x20).
You have earned 18,460 XP for slaying a Priest of Ferrancia (x20)
You have earned 60,920 XP for slaying the Agent’s Thrall (x40)
You have earned 43,060 XP for slaying Seraphine. (X20)
You have earned 24,550 XP for slaying Master Grimslee (x10)
“Holy Shit!” I said and looked across the table at Gaarm. “Gaarm ol’ buddy, I think I may be a bit unstable.”
“I don’t care dwarf, just call or fold,” Gaarm muttered.
“I’m Ordonian,” I said with a smile. “Beware my bloodlust.” Gaarm just stared at me and I tossed my card onto the table. “Fine, I fold,” I said and returned to my prompts.
You have reached Level 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
You have 25 unused Attribute Points.
You have 10 unused Perk Point. (5 New and 5 Previously Earned)
You have reached Level 19 in Order Magic.
You have reached Level 15 in Archery.
You have reached Level 15 in Blunt Weapons.
You have reached Level 7 in Stealth.
You have reached Level 6 in Dodge.
You have reached Level 12 in Light Armor.
You have reached Level 22 in Analyze.
Lex - Level 14
Deity: Cerrunos
Experience: 474,489
Next Level: 25,753
Health: 174
Stamina: 182
Mana: 199
Spirit: 174
Strength: 23
Constitution: 19
Dexterity: 17
Intelligence: 41
Wisdom: 16
Player Tracking (Gryph)
Ordonian Bloodlust
Attribute Points: 25
Perk Points: 10
You have reached Apprentice Tier in Analyze. With that Tier boost, the skill has gained a new ability. You can now see the Strength(s) of anyone successfully Analyzed.
I was both amazed, and irritated, at my skill progression. Thrilled, cuz duh, look at me I was becoming a total badass, and I’d advanced to the Apprentice Tier in Analyze. Irritated because I was one level away from the Apprentice Tier in Order Magic. What kinda goodies would the next Tier open?
“I’m pretty sure somebody is messing with me.”
“No sir, you are just inebriated. There is no messing,” the dealer said, the last part with such disdain that I have no idea how Jeeves didn’t pull a muscle.
Now you know why I only felt mild qualms about killing the pompous fool. He was a dick. I gave him a small grumble as I considered my next move. It was time to spend some more points. I quickly put 15 points into Intelligence. I wanted more Mana. The other 10, I put into Constitution. If I was to survive, I needed to up my Health. Part of me realized how lucky I was, from a certain point of view. Other beings in the Realms would never have had the grinding opportunities I’ve had. Course they also had a little something called freedom. I kept my Perk Points in reserve until my plan was better formulated.
I’d lost track of how many times I’d lived and died. Had I been in this loop for weeks, months, decades? I had no clue. Apparently going all nut job and killing random people without consequence can skew one’s sense of reality. Once, as I stood in a room full of corpses covered in blood, I even had a crisis of conscious.
“I may be going a bit psycho.”
But, I had a solid estimate for the time from m
y rebirth until the Agent’s appearance at the door. It averaged 10 to 15 minutes. Various factors, including how active I was, whether I left the inn or stayed and the level of chaos inside the inn, seemed to alter this. But, until my evidence was more solid I’d assume I had 10 minutes of me time in each life.
It was time to change my strategy from mass murder to the kinder and gentler idea of learning about my fellow inn-mates. Maybe, in learning about them, I could gain allies, skills or weapons. I smacked my head in a duh moment. Why hadn’t I tried to loot any of my innumerable victims? I guessed that I wouldn’t be able to take the swag back in time, but you don’t know until you try.
It was time to use my new ability, so I Analyzed Gaarm.
Gaarm - Level 8
H: 183/S: 197/M: 112/ SP: 123. Gaarm is an Eldarian.
Strengths: Mark of Vex. - Immunities: Unknown. - Weaknesses: Unknown
I focused on the phrase Mark of Vex.
Mark of Vex
Vex is an Eldarian criminal syndicate with tendrils all across the planet of Korynn. It is a power player in the criminal underworld. The Mark of Vex is a magical tattoo that not only identifies the owner as a member of the organization but also grants a +1 bonus to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity as long as the bearer remains loyal to the organization.